Our Vision and Goals

The vision of The Manaiakalani Programme is to create learners who are confident and connected anytime, anywhere, any pace, ready for employment in tomorrow’s market and who will contribute positively to their community.

This shared vision has consistent articulation across the Manaiakalani Community of Learning and fosters an internal coherence characterised by "implementation fidelity, integrated self-improvement processes and the ability to take research evidence and act on it."  (Dr Rebecca Jesson, Woolf Fisher Research Centre)

Our overall goal is to change learning and teaching practice in order to empower learners and their whānau and accelerate student achievement outcomes. To achieve accelerated student achievement, the Manaiakalani Community of Learning builds community and leadership engagement whilst supplying the digital learning infrastructure and the Professional Learning and Development (PLD) of ‘Learn Create Share’ that is required for success. At every stage, the intent is to increase the capacity and capability to be able to sustain the accelerated student achievement.

The Manaiakalani Pedagogy 

Expected to achieve high behavioural and cognitive engagement in all learning spaces our pedagogy centres on the PLD implementation and the development of the "Learn, Create, Share" way of learning. 

This pedagogy drives toward visible and ubiquitous learning, strong learner empowerment and connectedness to grow knowledge. The teaching and learning frameworks of the individual schools are the umbrella mechanism to activate and sustain the pedagogy, which is essential for learning, whānau engagement and device readiness. 

There is an expectation that all participants will constantly reflect on how well they are doing in relation to the Learn Create Share pedagogy. 

Ako   |   Hanga   |   Toha Toha

The Manaiakalani Kaupapa 

Co-constructed over more than a decade to maximise the impact of effective teaching and learning in a digital learning environment. 

Connected | Rangitāmiro

Being Connected digitally is a way of empowering learners.

Ubiquitous | Rangiwhāwhā

Supports the idea that learning takes places outside of the traditional school/classroom in the digital era.

Visible | Ariari

Recognises teaching and learning as Visible

Empowered | Rangitū

"The Manaiakalani kaupapa of Empower(ed)ment is about the advancing of Rangatiratanga: Taking back control of their own lives"Pat Snedden, Chair, MET